Our Vision
Our Vision
Our company will forge relationships with high-tech international companies from around the world. The operation of Graphene Hive will allow for the creation of scientific, engineering, manufacturing, and high-tech based jobs in South Africa, which are in urgent need due to our low rates of employment.
Our business will create valuable jobs – Graphene Hive plans on addressing the potential impact of equity and readdressing historical imbalances, by giving preference of employment to previously disadvantaged female South African and Mauritian students who have completed their studies within scientific, manufacturing, and high-tech based fields of study, respectively. Our critical materials, such as copper, aluminum, and stainless steel, will be sourced from local suppliers where available. We have discussed our needs with local suppliers who are excited at the prospect of providing us with locally mined and produced resources.
We plan on empowering our employees with knowledge and the necessary skillset training that will give them the motivation and perseverance to thrive and become the next African generation of well-rounded, self-driven scientists and engineers that can compete at the international level.
Lastly, our company will contribute to the transformation of the engineering and chemical Sector in South Africa. National Government’s research strategy noted by both the South African economic offices stresses the urgency and commitment in moving forward on a path of promotion and support for high tech companies and the support of cutting-edge technology developments in these areas of industry focused on water and medical science.
Through the development of cutting-edge engineering, Graphene Hive will be led to the promotion and development of highly competitive sustainable membrane products and other Graphene products which will have a significant and positive impact on the hi-tech manufacturing industry, as well as contribute to the innovation in national and international developments that contribute to sustainability, affordability and global health.